It is important that we feel happy and comfortable with our own bodies, rather than trying to fit into specific body types. Because all bodies are different and everyone has different traits that enhance their own specialties. We all understand the pain of having specific areas that you want to work on. When it comes to toning your body, it is very important to exercise, eat balanced and nutritious foods, and have some effective treatments at the same time. Having a clean diet is not the only way to a healthy body journey, because it reduces muscles and leads to reduced elasticity in many areas. So, in order to keep your body toned and have nice elasticity with beautiful bodyline, what would be an effective way to take care of alongside?

Body Treatments

ULFIT is a great body lifting treatment to improve elasticity on stomach and thigh area where has extra subcutaneous fat. This shares the same principle as SHURINK and ULTHERA Lifting Treatments, it dismantles extra fat within the panniculus and the outer layer of the skin and increases elasticity by producing collagen, using 2 steps of 6mm and 9mm ultrasonic waves’ energy. This repositions fat cells and creates balanced and firm body line by HIFU.

Mega Skinny eliminates hardened adhesive tissue through extracorporeal shock wave therapy, makes smoother circulation, and relieves edema and pain. After the treatment, you can experience the reduction of cellulites and smoothened out body line.

HPL Injection is an abbreviation of Hypotonic Pharmacologic Lipo-dissolution, commonly known as a Diet Injection, it destructs fat cells within a short period of time using an osmotic pressure principal. This is an effective treatment to dismantle fat cells within area of your concerns and improves body line. Destructed fat cells will be released through urine.

What kind of treatments would suit me the best?

Quick, easy, and effective one-day treatment that works on the specific areas of your concern.

Do you have concerns regarding…

👉🏻 Fat reduction procedure patient who has no enough time to visit for several days

👉🏻 Want to have a more powerful lifting than normal lifting

👉🏻 Fast recovery and fast return to daily activities

Before and After Results of a Treatment Case.

Opening Hours

Weekdays   11:00 - 20:00

Saturday   10:00 - 15:30


Lunch Hour   13:30 - 14:30

(There is no lunch hour on Saturdays.)

*Closed on Sundays and public holidays*

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